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Doula (Mamas Birth Center, Seoul, Korea)

All Moms giving birth at Mama’s Birth Center are assisted by one of our professional doulas.

For more accurate service in English, 

Please write us at : mamas@mamasbirthcenter.com

Phone : 010-8902-4180 (Jinny)

The following is used with the permission of: www.birthinginkorea.com


What is a Doula?

A doula supports a woman and her partner during pregnancy, birth, and the early weeks of parenting, with reassurance, practical assistance, and information.

A doula is someone you come to know well by the time of your birth, and who is there during your labour, by your side, focused solely on you and your partner. She can encourage you, remain objective, and help your partner feel more confident about how to support you. She can also assist you with practical knowledge on comfort measures for labour, such as massage and suggestions for positioning. A doula can provide information when you have questions, and can help you communicate most effectively with your medical caregivers.

The main focus of a doula's role is often on the birth itself, but doula support can also be invaluable during pregnancy (especially if you face questions about tests or complications), and after the birth when she can help out with feeding and adjusting to life with a newborn.

There are a few things a doula is not.

She is not acting as a nurse or midwife, so she does not provide clinical care such as doing examinations on you or checking your baby's heartbeat. The support a doula provides fits together with, but does not replace, the care of your doctor, midwife, or nurses.

Doulas do not make decisions for you, or speak for you. This is your birth, your baby, your life!

A doula supports you by providing information and explanations you may want about your choices, but it's always you who decides what's best for you.

What are the benefits of hiring a Doula?

Studies repeatedly show that doulas help women have better birth experiences. The following statistics are taken from the book Mothering the Mother: How a Doula Can Help You Have a Shorter, Easier and Healthier Birth, by Klaus, Kennell, and Klaus (1993):

50% reduction in the cesarean rate

25% shorter labor

60% reduction in epidural requests

40% reduction in oxytocin use

30% reduction in analgesia use

40% reduction in assisted deliveries (Vacuum extraction or forceps)